Wedding Color Schemes Summer 2015

Hello all!

Of course you've read the title already, but today I'm going to talk a little bit about color schemes! I'm not married but I have been to my fair share of weddings and have helped out my aunt when she was wedding planning. When it comes to my wedding one day I know I would have a really hard time choosing colors, I'm really indecisive and I don't really have a favorite color, I love them all! Today I'm going to focus on things I think are great for this summer! There really are so many options but for the purpose of this post I am only doing about 5 color schemes.

For a super colorful gal….

I'm sort of afraid of bright colors sometimes, but I truly love this color combo. I think maybe I like this because it's a unique color combination that you wouldn't expect for a wedding. 

Soft and romantic…

To have a more crisp clean look, instead of champagne you could do ivory which is amazing as well!

cool, calm and collected… 

I'm really loving this color combo. Originally I was only going to include the bright coral, orange and aqua but the blush pink softens it a little bit which is appealing to my eye. I also have a couple pics in the collage of solely orange and aqua which is so fun! I think I've come to the conclusion that orange is my favorite color. If you want to make this a softer color scheme here is a good example of what that would look like. It's pretty similar, just a more pastel version. 

beautiful and berry toned… 

When you look at this color combo you might think it's more for fall but I think it is great for the summer time as well. If you want color in your wedding but aren't a fan of the super bright colors then this is for you! These are gorgeous and colors and it really is a classy color scheme. 

for a summer sunshiny day… 

This is gorgeous and crisp and clean feeling. I didn't know I would like yellow this much, but I do! I love all of the lemons incorporated, it is just radiating the warmth of summer. This color combo is super appealing to my eye and makes me happy just looking at these pictures. If you love summer as much as I do, I think you'll love this color scheme as well!

There are so many color schemes I could have done but this is what I ended up creating. I'm not a huge fan of dark colors or metallics as you can probably see from the color schemes I've created for this post but they could totally work! 
For the soft and romantic color schemes you could add a metallic pink just to add another element. You could also add gold or silver to the berry toned color scheme, I think that could be really beautiful! Pinterest is amazing for inspiration and examples of color schemes so I would advise searching on Pinterest if you want to see more of what other people are doing. Here are some links to some sites that I really liked and I think you would enjoy as well!

If you have any questions leave them down below, I'd be happy to answer any that you have! Do you have suggestions for other posts? I'm always looking for new ideas!


Hannah N.

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