My Year in a Nutshell- Happy New Year!

I'm just going to start off by saying, 2013 was an amazing year! Literally the best year of my life. My middle school and high school years were an awful experience for me (finished hs May 2011) and it took a little over a year to recover from that time in my life. I would say about July 2012 is when I started to actually enjoy life, I'd just finished my first year of college and knew that was a turning point in my life.

I'm gladly telling you this because you should know that it gets better! My highest mountain of success was not high school and I'm very thankful for that.  I'm glad to say high school years were not my peak years, my best years are not behind me, I'm just starting to have the best time of my life.

So what has 2013 exactly consisted of?



I began 2013 in Colorado. which was amazing. Although I broke my tailbone, I learned how to snowboard…kinda.


First, I bought a camera. I was already nervous about buying the camera, I'm not quite sure why. I wanted to start documenting my life, my family hasn't been the greatest about picture taking so I wanted to change that! I wanted to document my life and also start blog where I could share my love for travel, fashion and beauty. I also went to New York in March (for the second time in my life) with my family and fell in love even more than I did the first time. (This Texas girl would pick up and move there if she got the chance!)

I also went to a Sam Pepper meet up with my sister. If you don't know who he is, he is a YouTuber from the UK who's currently living in the US and is always playing pranks on people.


In May I went to a Taylor Swift concert with my sister and cousin, for my cousins 9th birthday. We bought her tickets to the concert for her birthday in January, yes, JANUARY. We weren't sure if she'd understand that she had to wait about 4 months for her birthday present but it was her very first concert and she enjoyed every bit of it!

I started my YouTube channel at the end of May with a May Favorites video ( you can see it HERE)
My first video is really awkward and embarrassing but it's out there for you to see! hah.

During the summer (June-ish) took a summer class just so I can feel productive mostly. While I was taking my class I did crossfit which was really fun but I only did it for the duration of my month long class and that was that. hah

I decided I wanted to do something crazy and dye my hair pink, so I did.

I also went to Florida, which is a family tradition. I've only been to the same beach about 17 times but I still love it every year and I love spending time with the entire family. It's amazing that about 20 of us can get together and spend about a week in one place! I didn't take a lot of pictures while I was there but I do have some videos on YouTube. Here is the link to my Florida trip playlist. 


I started my third year of college and got my very first apartment with a roommate!

September- October

September 25th was my 20th birthday. People always ask if I feel older, and this year it was a definite yes! I feel like I'm so old when in reality I'm not actually ancient or anything. It's just crazy that time flew by so fast. I feel like I just turned 16 last week.

My birthday weekend I went to go see Teddy Geiger perform at a little place in my home town. I've been listening to his music probably since I was about 14 but he's never been like crazy famous so this was the first time I've gotten to see him perform in person, which was amazing. 

I also went on a 30 day spending ban with some other bloggers, which surprisingly went well. At the end of the spending ban, we did a prize swap and I got some amazing stuff from a blogger in the UK. 


November was crazy and I didn't do too much of anything except start getting ready for finals which were in December.

I also went Paleo the day after Thanksgiving. Which has helped me tremendously with my skin. I had bad acne before and now my skin is almost 100% clear. I found out that I'm sensitive to dairy and that's what makes me break out the most. I really want to do a separate post on going paleo and how it has helped me. Comment down below if you want to hear more about that!

After the semester was over, I came home and went to Colorado once again! This time about 11 of us went. I didn't even try to ski or snowboard but I like shopping better anyway. Actually, I did go snowshoeing for the first time and that was really fun. I would recommend it if you're not the skiing or snowboarding type. It's really fun to just walk around in the mountains (on the trail of course). Pictures below!:)

I know that 2014 will be even better, the best is yet to come! Find something positive in every single day and you'll be a happier person. How was your year?

If you want to see what I'm doing in 2014 you can follow me on twitter and instagram, which is where I post something everyday! Links are below. 

Lots of love, 


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  1. Happy New Year Hannah! It looks like you've had an amazing year, I'd love to go to New York one day, and I'm ALMOST finished with my snow boarding lessons as well, it looks so much fun! I also love your DIY Apartment Art - the lipstick kiss frame is gorgeous, I'll definitely be doing that when I get my own place!

    1. Happy New Year to you! I hope you had a great year as well:) Glad you enjoyed the post.



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